
The Benefits Of Organic Honey

Honey has many benefits to the body of either: child, teenagers and also adults. Consumption of honey is a habit that started many years ago. During the times when there was no structured beehive, there are communities who used to practice gathering. This activity used to take place in interior areas of the forest.

Traditional methods of honey harvesting, honey processing was the major ones preferred by the communities at that time. The old methods of honey extraction and processing became difficult to use during 20th century especially in Kenya and most of the African countries. It is due to difficulty of the use of such methods for the ladies and aged honey lovers; it became difficult to follow such route.

Researchers in apicultural industry brought forth new hive designs that could be seated near to the grounds. They also invented modern methods of honey extraction and processing. With these new inventions in beekeeping sector, it has been made easy to start such investments for anyone who is interested. 


Is Beekeeping a Lucrative form of Agribusiness?

Beekeeping is now considered as a lucrative form of investment. This is because it has been seen that the business can breakeven very easily compared to any other agricultural venture. In most cases beekeeping does not compete with the other forms of agricultural activities a farmer is undertaking in their farm. To these end, one can comfortably state that bee farming complements the other agricultural activities undertaken by the farmer. On the other hand, keeping of bees in your farm not only rewards you from the bumper bee products harvesting, but also the bees contribute up to 80% of the crops and plant pollinations. This pollination success rates leads to increase in yields per crop and fruit production. It is due to this fact that mostly in avocado growing zones, the farmers are being encouraged to install several beehives in their farms.


The most common benefits of honey that I have personally experienced are:

1.      Reduces Acne

2.      Adds flavour to snacks and other foods

3.      Helps in cutting weight

4.      Improves metabolic processes

5.      Preservative

6.      Making soap

7.      Cough and sneezing relieve



Honey Reduces Acne

Honey is used by ladies to apply on their faces. Application of honey on your face for 20 minutes every day clears away all black spots on your face. This makes most women to possess baby faces. Application of honey on the oily skin is helpful as it dry’s such skins and gives the skin a better look at all the time.


Honey adds flavour to food and snacks

Honey is used in food industry is used in adding flavour to foods. It improves taste in roasted beef, boiled rice and sausages. Honey used on morning slices, buns, mixed dates and also with groundnuts to boost stamina for men.

Honey used to reduce cholesterol

Consumption of raw pure honey helps in cutting of weight naturally. Cholesterol in your body makes you look old and shabby. Once you get started with consuming pure honey then with just light body exercises, your body becomes fit, back to your structure.

Honey also helps your body to improve its metabolic processes thus making digestion and absorption of food happen effectively and smooth.


Honey used as a preservative

Honey has been used as meat preservative during the pre and post-colonial periods. Apart from salted meat, stake of a cow, goat or even sheep, was dipped into a bucket containing honey.  Fresh meat stored in honey jars and buckets has proved to stay fresh for a very longer period of time without the meat going bad.

Some goldsmith also uses honey as preservative for their jewels especially in areas with high humidity.


Honey used in Industrial processes

Honey is used in different industries in making soaps, perfumes, medicines, additives and lip bums. Soap made from honey has various benefits to your skin, especially removing black spots and small skin pimples.


Other Uses of Honey

Honey is used by people who do not have a good habit of consuming the recommended water quantities. The honey is added in a bottle with water thus giving the water a particular flavour. This flavour encourages the user to drink more water.

Honey has a medicinal factor and that is why it is recommended for small children who develop common cold or flu. In some hospitals patients are washed their wounds with pure honey. Mixture of ginger, lemon and honey is great concord that fights colds in your body.

Comb honey is highly recommended for use by the people who like chewing gums. This is because honey protects your teeth through its medicinal aspect.

Why Consumption of honey among the Women is highly recommended?

Women often go through hormonal imbalance, which is a result of misbalances in testosterone levels, which in the long run affects reproductive health. Consuming honey on a daily basis helps in balancing the testosterone levels, which improves reproductive health, reduces mood swings and improves hormonal balance

Loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, Honey is also known as a Liquid gold, this is because of its health enriching nutrients that help in boosting immunity. It works as a natural laxative, boosts metabolism, improves memory, helps in combating seasonal flu, allergies, fever, cold, sore throat and has anti- carcinogenic properties, which prevent several types of cancer. Last, due to its antibiotic properties and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps in better and faster healing of the body. Here are some reasons why women need to consume this ‘Liquid gold’.

Women go through hormonal changes, pain, anxiety, depression and weakness during the dreadful menstrual cycle, but do you know why women in earlier times were so strong? Well, ‘Honey’ is that ancient secret that helped stay fit, calm and healthy. Here’s how this Liquid Gold is a blessing for women and must be included in the daily diet.

It is therefore recommended that daily honey consumption should be encouraged in each household as this will act as a preventive mechanism towards promotion of health.